I got this in the mail the a little while back and finally posting it. Its a sick magazine out of Australia (why are all the really sick mags from other countries?) called Wooden Toy. It has a bunch of great art and photography and interviews with the likes of Anthony Lister, Lyrics Born, The Autopsy Gallery, Brendan Monroe.... and a little write up on me! I'm international,
baby! Check it out:
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John is one fellow from Colorado we have been glad to make acquaintances with. We are sure they are all nice in Colorado, but perhaps not all as nice as John. You see even though we are only so-called "internet friends", John has been sending us meticulously prepared little design care packages on a regular basis. He knows that here at Fad Experiment HQ we need out design-in-the-mail fix or we go mad! Who doesn't like something fresh turning up in the mailman's arms every couple of weeks? For my money there is nothing better than getting an envelope all covered in doodles (the drawing kind...of course) and wondering excitedly what kind of goodies lay waiting for you inside (apart from being told that your real father is Hugh Hefner and he wants you to move home...).
When John's first mail package came we were aghast. Where had it come from? Who was John Fellows? Who spends so much time on the outside of an envelope? Why did't the postie pocket it? Is the postie mad? Then we realized we were spending way too much time thinking about it and decided to rip the fucker wide open before someone snatched it from our star struck hands. Surely someone who spent this much time on the package would have spent even more time on whatever lay inside, right? As expected, John didn't disappoint.
In parcel #2 John included loads of original limited edition linoleum carvings, a copy of his latest "PAPERCUT" B&W 'zine featuring even more of his super stylee lino cuts and a bunch of stickers. Again - who does this?
Then there's the matter of stickers he actually made for us! John went so far as to design Wooden Toy stickers, have them printed and send them to us. We laughed, we cried, we stuck. Either John has friends in high places, they sell pre-made die cut stickers in the US, or he is Bill Gates. We are awaiting confirmation. Either way he's one hell of a nice chap cut from a mould of old and we suggest you check out his stuff. www.johnfellows.net
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Reprinted from Wooden Toy Quarterly #4
156 pages, full-color
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Pretty sweet!