I've wanted to hit this up in the past but things have always gotten in the way. Finally I live close enough to be able to go. I've already checked out the schedule and there are some great sounding films being shown next weekend. Everyone in the area should definitely check Toofy out. Lotsa great films, artists, and music. How can you beat that! Check out the following for more info:
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The Toofy Film Fest 2007 Presented by Pabst Blue Ribbon is an annual festival created specifically to showcase independent movies, music, fine art, and fashion. This year's festival is taking place in Boulder, CO from Sept. 6th -9th , 2007. Visit http://www.toofy.com for the entire festival schedule, tickets, showtimes, and event descriptions. The official festival program will also be published in the September 5th edition of the Onion, available for free at local businesses throughout the Boulder and Denver region. See you there!
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"Once again JoyEngine has teamed up with TOOFY to work with the dynamic duo that is the Siebert bros., Jeff & Mark. This years Toofy Film Fest is shapin' up to be quite an event and we can't wait for it to kick into gear. The Toofy weekend begins here at JoyEngine with a live street art session. Watch Toofy inspired art happen at our place. Soak up Turntablist Symmetry's beats, cuddle with Alex "JR" Henry, have Scot Lefavor autograph your baby, and lots, lots more! Artists involved: Scot Lefavor, Todd Berger, Alex Henry, Lucian Foehr, Rob Angermuller, Markham Maes, and if all goes well, the infamous John Fellows.
To find out more about the 2007 Toofy Film Fest check the schedule. Word up, yo! "
(borrowed from www.joyengine.com)
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