Hey, I know it's been quite a while since my last post. I meant to post pics as I travelled Europe this past May, but forgot the usb cord for my camera. Sucked...... I'll try to keep uploading some photos over the next couple of days. I took a bunch.
Anyway, here are a couple pics from my trip to Spain. Started off in Madrid. We landed just in time to catch the end of the Festival de San Isodro. One of Madrids largest festivals and it marks the beginning of the bullfighting season in Spain. There was live music and other cool events scattered around the city. Saw some great stuff and got the chance to swing into Subaquatica while in there. Maya Hayuk was in the process of setting up her show when I stopped in. Didn't get the chance to attend the reception on opening night though, had to take off to Sevilla.
Photos (top to bottom): Unknown, One of the only statues in the world dedicated to The Devil (no, not W), Dave the Chimp, Nano, and Sevillas main square.
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